Consciousness and Reiki Zone
Consciousness and Reiki Zone is a serene space in which to expand your consciousness through various holistic therapies. It offers the opportunity for personal growth by enrolling in our various courses and classes including the opportunity to meet up with like minded peoples
Hot Stone Massage
Massage with warm basalt stones and carefully selected essential oils to sooth tired and stressed muscles. Brings deep relaxation and rejuvenation to the body.
R550 – 90 min
Acupressure Massage
Gentle stretching of the body to open the energy meridians. This is followed by finger and thumb pressure to the energy points to release blocks to the flow of chi. We finish up with a soothing foot massage, invigorating head massage and calming back, neck and shoulder massage. Deeply invogoratinf for stressed and exhausted bodies
R550 – 90 min
Crystal Foot Reflex Massage
Our feet carry, support and ground us on a daily basis. Our feet contain reflexology points which when stimulated can aid health and healing of our energetic and physical body. Working with a crystal wand the foot is massaged gently with a carrier oil and the major reflex points of the foot are stimulated. The session will often release toxicity from the physical body and rejuvenate the energy body.
R450 – 45 min
When we have a lot of questions and uncertainty about where life is going a divinatory session of Tarot can provide answers to the questions that we have and assist us to determine if we are moving in the right direction. Similarly if we are not sure where our life path is going the Rose Croix Majar Arcana reading can unveil the hidden forces that are at work within the situation we are encountering.
Energy Healing
Rite of the Womb
I am honoured to stand as sacred Womb Keeper having received the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki – the Rite of the Womb. Many woman carry trauma from their female ancestors through their blood line. Some have had traumatic experiences in their lives that block their ability to embrace and tap into the powerful creative energy of the womb. The Rite of the Womb is a contemporary energy transmission gifted to us by the Female Shamans of the Jungle to reactivate our feminine power. This rite will enable you to become a Womb Keeper and pass the Rite to other women in your community.. The Rite can be transmitted one on one or with in a group setting. No experience is needed
R500 – 60 min (one on one)
Crystal Light Wand Session
Combining the energies of a Vogal Crystal embed in a light wand with chromotherapy (colour therapy) these sessions work deeply to release trauma and negative patterns at a cellular level. Crystal light provides healing and rejuvenation to the physical and energetic body.
R500 – 80 min
Space Clearing
Just like our bodies need regular cleaning so too our homes and work spaces can accumulate discordant and stagnant energies. This affects us as we work/live in these spaces making it difficult to stay fully connected to our divine self. A space clearing session will aid the removal of these energies and restorae vibrancy and peace to unbalanced home/work spaces. Fees are dependant on the size of the home/office.
R500 – 90 min
Courses and Workshops
Usui Tibetan Reiki – Levels 1 to Masters
Teaching is a passion and sharing the gift of Reiki is a joy and a delight. Each level provides the necessary atunement required, a comprehensive manual, and time to practice using Reiki during the class. Join fellow minded students on an accelerated healing journey with Reiki. Courses are run continously during the year so please contact me for course content for each level, pricing and the next available class.
Reiki is a gift that changes heals and accelerates your vibrational shift
My Reiki Lineage leading back to Sensei Usui is available on request.
Students from other Reiki traditions are welcome as I will bridge you into the Usui Tibetan path.
Munay-Ki Rites
Based on the teachings of Alberto Villollvo these Rites gifted to the West by the Quero Nation will assist you to develop your Luminous Energy Field. They accelerate your vibrational growth and enable you to clear outdated patterns of disease and ill health from your energy body. Each Rite brings specific gifts and healing to the energy body. In particular the Harmony Rite will work specifically on the chakra system to remove fear based implants from the Chakra concerned. There are 9 Rites in total and they are transmitted 3 at a time over 3 classes, the last class is an opportunity to practice transmitting the rites to others. A gap of one week between classes is necessary for the body to integrate the changes and vibrational shifts. Experience the next Step in Evolution.
Additional Courses
Your facilitator is trained and skilled in a diverse variety of Holistic, Energetic and Esoteric disciplines which enable her to provide a variety of courses and workshops suitable for many different seekers. Some options are listed below – contact AnamCara’s Healing by email or sms to obtain further information or schedule attendance.
Course Options
Astral Doorways
Conscious Creators
Paganism – various courses
Rite of the Womb
Shamanic Journeying
Trance Techniques
A course which will aid you to deepen your meditation and journey deep within into your own inner consciousness to receive guidance and healing.
Shadow Self
Shadow represents all the aspects of ourselves that we find unacceptable and have hidden away in our subconscious mind due to learned behaviour and social conditioning. The Shadow Self course is designed to help participants uncover and integrate their shadow aspects so that they can unlock the gifts that are hidden there. It is a powerful opportunity to help uncover your authentic self.
Fascinated by Aromatherapy from an early age Diane sought to learn more about holistic healing when the timing and opportunity presented itself. This led to a journey of exploration and deep delving into self healing. The tools and skills obtained from this journey are brought to the table to assist her clients to seek their own path of healing and transformation.
Qualifications: HHI Comp Therapy , Independant Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher, Jikiden Reiki Practitioner, Munay Ki Facilitator & Teacher, Shadow Intigration Facilitator, Soul Retrieval Facilitator and Wombkeeper (Rite of the Womb)
Hi Diane ,
Was lovely meeting you. Thank you for the fab experience. Feel so much better.
This was my first ever reiki session and I had no idea what to expect. I was beautifully surprised! Diane is so professional, skilled and knowledgeable. The music and atmosphere induced an almost trance like level of calm. I went home feeling totally relaxed and my anxiety gone. I would highly recommend AnamCaras Healing to anyone who needs a little zen, healing or energizing!
Kristy Smith
This morning I had a reiki healing session done by Diane. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was so relaxing, calming and peaceful.Lots of sensations went through my body. The Reiki music played was very nice.
Sonja Koellener
The Reiki after the cord-cutting was the most amazing experience I have ever had. I felt like I was floating miles away. I could feel the energy moving through my body.
Thank you for my session yesterday. My energy levels are up and Im definately feeling the shift.

Crystal Light Chromotherapy
Explanation of Crystal Light Chromotherapy Provides experiences of the facilitators journey with this treatment
Contact Details
Address: 37 Stevens Road Blairgowrie, Randburg
Cell : 081 735 8350