Mind Dinamics – Clinical Hypnotherapist

Mind Dinamics Clinical Hypnotherapy is a powerfully scientific mind enhancing tool.

Marietta Hindy is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and life coach and the founder of this dynamic technique, with the use of Neurogenesis, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnosis, Neuroplasticity and psychology. She helps you eliminate undesirable programs in the sub-conscious.

Replacing them with desirable ones through hypnotherapy, this type of mind control is the greatest, fastest, easiest way for everybody to change wrong mind sets and achieve the highest objectives and goals in their life. You can use this method in all areas such as health, business, sports, personal, emotional, educational and many other fields.

You should not wait any longer – Help is here for you right now!

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that can be used to help overcome any problems with their origins in the mind.

Like stopping smoking, overcoming anxiety, depression, stress related issues, weight loss, phobia’s, pain management, focusing, addictions, absolute wellness, analogical mind, alcohol usage, artist block, affirmative methods, Anger management, alienation, ability to change, absent mindedness, absolute change, abundance, abusive behavior, accomplishment, academic performance, achieving your goals, adapt to the environment, adversities, affirmations, aimlessness, aeroplane phobia, alignment of left-right brain, amendment of behavior, ambition enhancement, application of focus, appearance betterment, assertiveness. and visualization of your dreams and goals. Over and above which, Marietta also offers couples counseling.


Hypnotherapy is a natural and easy method that uses specific guided relation, intense concentration and focused attention to achieve a heightened state within trance states of awareness known as hypnosis. Studies depict how hypnotherapy can promote healthy positive behaviour. At Mind Dynamics, we have specialized hypnotherapy techniques to achieve a balanced, optimum mental, emotional and physical health. We utilize the merged disciplines of hypnosis, life coaching and word programming to assist individuals and their families to attain their desired lifestyles and their full potential. Hypnotherapy covers a great deal of services as I am sure you can imagine. However certain hypnotists specialize in certain area’s. Although Marietta is more than capable of being successful in a number of fields.

These are the services she excels in:
 – Anxiety
 – Depression
 – Stress Related Problems
 – Addiction
 – Weight Loss
 – Phobia’s
 – Pain Management
 – Focus Visualization (as an art)
 – Absolute Wellness

Our hypnotherapy services support your focus on positive healthy changes. We are there to assist all our clients with time tested hypnosis tools and fundamental practices resulting in the balanced lifestyle they are looking for. Over and above hypnotherapy Marietta also offers Couple Counseling.


Marietta Hindy CHT

Well known by many, through 702 radio, Fair Lady magazine, and hundreds of devoted clients who refer her to their relatives, friends and co-workers. Marietta has had incredible results healing the human mind. She teaches at the General Hospital and has held seminars throughout Europe.

Hypnotherapy is not just her profession; it is her passion as is seeing the incredible results she achieves. Nothing gives her more satisfaction than to introduce the power of the subconscious mind to her clients. She deals with all aspects of hypnotherapy and sicknesses, goal setting, counseling (company and private). She is in great demand, so contact her early for appointment.

Definition of a Hypnotherapist

A hypnotherapist is a therapist who utilizes hypnosis as a primary tool for assisting clients to achieve their goals. A hypnotherapist often differs from other therapists because they focus on the role of subconscious behaviors and influences on the client’s life.

In 1973, Dr. John Kappas, Founder of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, wrote and defined the profession of a hypnotherapist in the Federal Dictionary of Occupational Titles: “Induces hypnotic state in client to increase motivation or alter behavior patterns: Consults with client to determine nature of problem. Prepares client to enter hypnotic state by explaining how hypnosis works and what client will experience. Tests subject to determine degree of physical and emotional suggestibility. Induces hypnotic state in client, using individualized methods and techniques of hypnosis based on interpretation of test results and analysis of client’s problem. May train client in self-hypnosis conditioning.

Marrieta Explains a little more…
The therapist talks to the patient, relaxing them without them falling asleep. When the mind is distracted and in this state, the subconscious is more receptive and the therapist can speak to it, giving instructions and encouraging the brain to change old negative behaviors. So, for an arachnophobia this may involve implanting suggestions that spiders are smiling, furry friends. For confidence issues, techniques can be used to get the mind to make useful changes such as discouraging negative thoughts. And for stress or anxiety, you may be taught instant relaxation techniques for everyday life.

Marietta says, ‘It’s not like what you see on TV. You are completely conscious throughout. but you feel very relaxed and in control. Most people don’t think they’re hypnotized during their first session but they do have an altered state of awareness. It’s a warm, relaxed feeling as if you’re about to drop off to sleep or you’ve just woken up. The mind focuses inwards, a bit like daydreaming, but you remain in complete control of what you say and do and can “wake” when you want to.’

Could it help you?

Forget any preconceptions you may have about hypnosis it’s less about being manipulated under someone’s control and more about taking charge of your own inner thoughts and behavior.

Forget cheeky stage hypnotists and cartoon scientists dangling pocket watches. There is another side to hypnosis-and it’s helping many of us overcome phobias, stress, weight loss, drinking problems, to stop smoking, learning relaxation techniques, visualizing and goal setting and other health problems. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that can be used to help overcome any problems with their origins in the mind.

Forget any preconceptions you may have about hypnosis-it’s less about being manipulated under someone’s control and more about taking charge of your own inner thoughts and behavior.

The number of hypnotherapists in South Africa is increasing and its becoming a recognized treatment for issues such as stress, managing pain, weight loss, to stop smoking, alcoholic tendencies and phobia or fear related tendencies as well as anxiety issues and much more. So the day when you are prescribed a session of hypnotherapy instead of sleeping pills for insomnia may not be too far away.

Marietta Hindy, a Park town north Johannesburg-based clinical hypnotherapist, has noticed a huge increase in the number of patients she sees everyday.

People come in to be treated for all sorts of things including addiction, anxiety, depression, pain relief, weight loss, fears and phobia’s, relaxation and even just the visualization of goals,’ she says. ‘It’s important to note that hypnotherapy will help you depending on your beliefs and fears.

I help my patients to see their issues from a different stance or angle. It’s important to note that hypnosis helps the patient access the subconscious directly, by bypassing the critical faculty of the conscious mind. For example, if you close your eyes and imagine a banana, you will see and smell a banana in your mind. Hypnotherapy works in a similar way. So, if you want to use hypnotherapy to help with pain relief, I encourage you to give the feeling of pain a specific shape and colour. Eventually, your mind will begin to associate the feeling of pain with the image you created and you can suppress the feeling by visually suppressing the image in your brain.

A hypnotherapist assists the patient in reprogramming his/her brain in order to overcome addiction or other issues.’ It sounds complicated!


As a well seasoned Hypnotherapist with years of experience, you can well imagine that Marrieta has a substantial client base. With this comes positive feed back and loyalty from clients.

This is what they have had to say!


To everybody who has not tried this wonderful healing method yet!

Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with a detached retina. The ophthalmologist told me that, if emergency surgery was not performed almost immediately, I was in danger of losing all of the sight in my left eye.

From that diagnosis, through the pre-op jitters and the recovery period, I relied on the help of a hypnotherapist, Marietta Hindy, to not only get me through the trauma of the news, but also to help in the postoperative healing.

The night before the surgery, when I was totally blind-folded in order to keep my eyes from moving about (which would thus encourage drainage of the fluid behind the detached retina), Marietta put me into a relaxed state and assured me that the operation was going to be one-hundred-percent successful.

The following evening, after I had been through one hour of surgery {during which I had a buckle installed, plus cryotherapy to repair the detached retina), Marietta again hypnotized me, and asked me to visualize that the muscles behind my eyes were repairing themselves.

At all times, I was relaxed and calm, although I was aware of everything I was being told by Marietta, and not so ‘out of if that I couldn’t remember what I was saying or what was being said to me.

The day following my surgery, I had an appointment with the ophthalmologist to check on the progress of the repair to the retina. She was quite amazed to find that the retina had already re-attached … this generally takes up to two weeks (and, if not successful by that time, the surgery has to be repeated).

There is no question in my mind that the success of the surgery was due not only to the excellent skills of the ophthalmologist, but also to the hypnotic suggestions of Marietta that all would be healed, and my eyesight restored.

Three months after the surgery, when I had to take an eye test to determine how much of my vision had been lost (usually, most patients are lucky to get a maximum of 70% return of their original vision), I was told that the prescription for my glasses did not have to be changed, as there was such a slight difference between how my sight used to be and how it was following the surgery.

Marietta has also used hypnotic regression therapy on me, to take me back to the early years of my marriage (when I had a vitriolic mother-in-law, who caused a great deal of distress in my life) to the teenage years of my oldest child – a daughter who caused sleepless nights and many confrontations. Since working with Marietta, my relationship with that daughter has improved tenfold … and we have become very good friends instead of resentful mother-daughter enemies. Marietta’s technique is to discover what it is about one’s relationships that ‘pushes buttons’, to explain why conflicts arise, and how to apportion the blame for these differences.

At the moment, I’m a poor candidate for giving up smoking (Marietta says it will happen only when I am ready), but I’m a living, breathing example of someone who has normal blood pressure, no panic attacks and a calm, peaceful lifestyle- all thanks, I firmly believe, to the ‘healing’ properties of hypnotherapy.

– Caroline Emmett

A note of Thanks

Wanted to say thanks you for coming into my life. Its been an absolute please and so easy working with you to help me address issues of the past to ensure that I can make the future better.

Thank you for helping me let go, especially of the baggage that was weighing me down.

Thank you for creating a safe space and teaching me how to be more comfortable with myself because this is the first step.

You said you will help “fix me inside and out” and you truly did.

Much love
– Leila

I went to Marietta with a broken soul. I had lost sight of everything that made me me, had no confidence- in myself or others, no energy to make any changes and no energy to fight for me and what I believed and when she gave me a checklist to mark off the emotions I was going through I felt like an absolute failure in life and like I had a mountain to climb because I had so many emotions 1 could tick off.

Fortunately she has such a calming effect because of her demeanour. Step-by-step she talked me through the approach we’re going to take, and slowly but surely we dealt with EVERYTHING from my feeling insignificant, to my guilt, to my procrastination, to my inability to make decisions, to my lack of energy, and the list goes on.

The process of hypnotherapy has been the best thing I’ve ever gone through. It’s helped me take control of my thoughts and emotions, helped me to acknowledge what makes me the person I am and to realise that no one has a right to make me feel guilty about who I am, or being different to who. they are or how they believe one should be.

The greatest benefit, I think, is that Marietta gives you a tool to make the change. She explains the science behind the process in order for you to understand how it works. As intimidating as it is knowing that you’re putting yourself in someone else’s hands, it is amazingly beneficial to realise that it’s all actually in your control.

I would (and have done so) recommend the process to anyone who is struggling with anything. And I will certainly suggest Marietta’s services- she is a wonderful woman who cares for the individual and has all the time in the world to help. Take that step, I know I will never regret taking it myself. 

Greetings Marietta

It has been a couple of weeks of not seeing you and yet I still feel ‘in control’. I would really like to thank you most sincerely for being there for me at a time when I needed someone like you the most.

Before my first encounter with you, I was lost, depressed, angry, resentfuL .. However, at the time I did not realise what it was that was making me feel so so low. The sessions we had opened me up to realities that I had to come to terms with. I had allowed myself to put up with people and situations that had left me wounded. I had allowed myself to be ‘rubbed’ the wrong way. How elevating it is to wake up to this truth and today I feel like a new person. I am not completely there yet, but something has been rekindled within me. I have a new zest for life. The downside is I have gained weight in the process.

You are a true gift to mankind. Your boundless enthusiasm and love is something to treasure and to be shared by many.

I am so thankful to the One Above for having facilitated our connection.

Peace and Love to you and your loved ones.

Fond regards
– Nobe

Marietta has had such a profound and positive effect on me. I would recommend her to absolutely anyone who is interested in improving their lives and becoming happier and more fulfilled. Initially I approached Marietta to help me with a stutter that I have had since childhood. Together we have made great strides in that area and the stutter is far improved from , when I had my first appointment. I am extremely confident that with Marietta’s help I will be completely fluent in the near future. However the impact that Marietta has had on my life has had a far greater reach than just my speech. She has helped me to become a happier and more confident person. I have found that hypnotherapy is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used effectively to uplift and improve every area of my life. Above all Marietta is unbelievably supportive and encouraging throughout the entire process and I am extremely grateful for all she has done for me.

Thank you!

Hypnotherapy with Marietta has transformed my entire life. When I came to her for help I was depressed, felt hopeless and was anxiety ridden. After only a few sessions everything has changed for me. I now feel happy, confident, energized and enthusiastic about life. i believe I have learnt skills that will serve me for the rest of my life.
– Lee-Ann

Dear Marietta,

It is three weeks since I stopped smoking. Thank you for your assistance and guidance. I’ve realised that I can have a smoke free night even while out with friends that smoke all the time. I would also really like to thank you for making the process simple and comfortable. I will definitely recommend you to others.

Kind Regards,
– Hussain Ibrahim

I went to Marietta with a broken soul. I had lost sight of everything that made me me, had noconfidence – in myself or others, no energy to make any changes and no energyto fight for me and what I believed and when she gave me a checklist to mark off the emotions I was going through I felt like an absolute failure in life and like I had a mountain to climb because I had so many emotions I could tick off. Fortunately she has such a calming effect because of her demeanour. Step-by-step she talked me through the approach we’re going to take, and slowly but surely we dealt with EVERYTHING from my feeling insignificant, to my guilt, to my procrastination, to my inability to make decisions, to my lack of energy, and the list goes on. The process of hypnotherapy has been the best thing I’ve ever gone through. It’s helped me take control of my thoughts and emotions, helped me to acknowledge what makes me the person I am and to realise that no one has a right to make me feel guilty about who I am, or being different to who they are or how they believe one should be.

The greatest benefit, I think, is that Marietta gives you a tool to make the change. She explains the science behind the process in order for you to understand how it works. As intimidating as it is knowing that you’re putting yourself in someone else’s hands, it is amazingly beneficial to realise that it’s all actually in your control. I would (and have done so) recommend the process to anyone who is struggling with anything. And I will certainly suggest Marietta’s services – she is a wonderful woman who cares for the individual and has all the time in the world to help. Take that step, I know I will never regret taking it myself.
– Cindy Mills

Dear Marietta

I take this opportunity to thank you for your guidance and assistance to my family and myself since 2009. It was such a pleasure to see you last week and to explain to you how life changed over the past two years. Through your teaching of visualization and self-hypnosis, my business has become a huge success in a period of only two years. lt has developed from a small one man operation to a business which is now a market leader in the field and known to our clients as a standard in their group as well as the “Rolls Royce” of the industry.

The success has not been easy, with many long hours and days of work, and still many more to come, but through your methods I have been able to keep the focus on the way forward and the successes that it brings. Also, a very big thank you, for assisting each member of my family during the years of our association. Often my children will say, they want to see Marietta. Your assistance has been invaluable. I cannot express effectively in words what you have done for and meant to us.

Many thanks
– AIan

Dear Marietta

lt will be 8 weeks in 2 days, since I stopped smoking. l has changed my life and freed me from the shackles of Nicotine. I’ve come to realize that my lite is healthier and happier without smoking and I’m perfectly capable of having a smoke free night out with friends. I owe you a debt of gratitude for your assistance and for making me realize my life is better off without cigareues. I also want to thank you for making the process fairly simple and trauma free.

Please continue to help others as you have me. it has made the world of difference.

Many Thanks
– Catherine McCarthy

Hi Daniela,

As discussed these are the detail for the hypnotherapist I informed you about. This year alone Marietta has stopped 250 people from smoking, she depression and basically anything to do with mind reconditioning.

I am a client of Marietta’s I was diagnosed with Clinical depression and Insomnia in July and after finding Marietta as I could not see months and years I decided to try Hypnotherapy instead and after 8 weeks of hypnotherapy I am not just back to normal I am even to instill an optimistic, confident self-worth and many other aspects which our busy lives tend to wear down.

I would really recommend the you utilize this extraordinary lady to assist you and your clients.

Hi Marietta,

I just wanted to say thank you much – it has been exactly one year since we met and stopped smoking ! I really appreciate your help, I am sorry I haven’t been back to see you it is just time did not allow for it. I think about you a lot and still use what you taught me on a daily basis.

Thank you so much for your help, i feel like i can call my self a non smoker now ! And i promise as soon as i get a chance i will come and see you !

thanks again !
– Christo

Hi Mariette,

It is one week since we met, and i feel great ! I wanted to say thank you for your help. I found our session to be very helpful, not just with the smoking but i am confident that i will be able to apply the same techniques to different aspect of my life. I will definitely be coming to see you next time i am in Joburg and i telling every one how great you are here, hopefully i will get you some more clients from Zambia.

thanks again i am extremely grateful for your help.

– Christos

Hi Marietta,

I hope you are well – i am so happy that you have another convert, my mom is doing great ! .She also gave me the dates when you will be away, i will definitely still come you next time i am in SA, i think you will be back then. Good news! I have been working on slowing my thought processes using the technique i learnt from you. I have discussed with Dr Paul today (attached in the email) and will reduce the dosage of my meds for ADD.

Dr Paul is great, just like you “good people” i explained the process of what we did and how, he is very interested in dialoging with you. I hope you don’t mind but i took the liberty of copying him in to the email.

– Bristos Diakosavas
Managing Director

Good day Marietta

Sorry I am busy in a course my telephone is on silent.
I am fine. Every day I see and try to feel your sunshine in my life.
Francois and me have things to sort out first before I can carry on with my hypnosis’s. Thank you for all your help. You really helped me finding myself and putting myself first in life.

Civil Tech Construction
– Edith du Toit

Hi Marietta

I was feeling overweight and unhappy so I went onto the intemet and found Marietta’s detail on the South African Institute of Hypnotism’s website.

I went to see Marietta Hindy on the 14of January 2010 tired of yo yo dieting of always having to constantly watch what I eat. I said to Marietta I want effortless weightloss, and that she did. Before I went to Marietta I had no control over myself I ate so much junk and if I had to watch myself and say No thank you when I actually wanted to eat all the cookies in the cookie jar I would feel angry deprived and even more sulky resulting in me hinging even worse when I finally lost control.

Marietta corrected my faulty perceptions coaching me through hypnosis, telling me that I will get a message “my body does not need this” when I was about to overeat or when I was about to eat when not hungry. Telling me that I will no longer have a desire to eat fatty fast food, that I will fust notice fruite and vegetables and that I will absolutely love healthy foods. And that became my reality I would go into a store and I would buy a fruite and not a packet of chips, when I would reach out for bread I would clearly think nah I don’t need it I don’t want it. The magic of it was that there was no feeling of deprivation or anger associated with it. I have no more negative emotion attached to food. Marietta gave my body instruction to burn the excess fat, and guess what 2 weeks later at my gym they took my fat percentage, cm and weightloss, I lost 2% body fat, overall 1Ocm and 4kg. I was at a total loss for words.

Marietta also taught me that usually being overweight is due to emotional issues so therefore she took me through my childhood and adult years and helped me face many of my daemons and helping me to make peace with events that was not within my control helping me to properly make sense of things and unburden my self. What a great sense of relief.

Since I have been to see Marietta so many aspects of my life has changed for the better, not just my weight but my relationships with people my perception of events and I am even more aware of opportunities that are presented to me. I will highly recommend hypnotherapy to anyone.

I have had thus far 6 sessions and for me this will become a way of life.

Thank you Marietta
– Mattie

Dear Mariette,
I would like to thank you sincerely for the wonderful treatment of hypnotherapy I received from you during the past few months relating to my insomnia due to medication.

As you are aware I had a kidney transplant over eight years ago and due to all the immune suppressants and steroids I have been battling to sleep and do not want to take any medication for sleeping.

After my first treatment with you I was already having a good night’s sleep and what a difference it made to my life during the day. I at last felt revitalised and able to cope with so much more.

During the next four treatments we dealt not only with my insomnia but also with my past issues which I found extremely helpful and such a weight off my shoulders to be able to share and sort myself out.

Once again I thank you for your wonderful treatment, sincerity and wonderful friendship.

Love and light always,
– Debbie Poggo

Hi Marietta,

I had my first of three sessions with you on 11 December 2011. Although I had no preconceived views on hypnotherapy as a tool to assist me in stopping smoking, I did wonder if the nicotine beast would grab me again. I am almost two years down the line and have not smoked since my first session with you. In fact, I now struggle to be in the presence of smokers as I fmd the smell of cigarette smoke harsh and irritating. The process is credible and the results are real.

Thank you for your assistance and I can honestly recommend hypnotherapy as the way to go to kick the habit.

Best regards
– Tony Bosman

South Africa’s very own heavyweight EFC fighter relies on MindDinamics to help Him with his mental ability and focus to stay on top of His game. Andrew fully endorses Marietta Hindy and MindDinamics as a mind coach.
Andrew “One Gear” van Zyl

Contact Details

Address: 12 Drysdale Manor, Corner Drysdale and Dougles Roads Sundoner, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Cell : 073 365 0095
Email: mhindy@polka.co.za
Website: www.minddinamics.co.za

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